(full development)
Collaboration with:
- Sophie Lambert-Lacroix (Univ Grenoble Alpes)
- Franck Picard (CNRS - LBBE - Univ Lyon)
The pCMF package contains mplementation of the probabilistic Count Matrix Factorization (pCMF) method based on the Gamma-Poisson hirerarchical factor model with potential sparisty-inducing priors on factor V. This method is specifically designed to analyze large count matrices with numerous potential drop-out events (also called zero-inflation) such as gene expression profiles from single cells data (scRNA-seq) obtained by high throughput sequencing.
- R
- C++
- Statistics
- Unsupervised learning
- Data visualization
- Dimension reduction
- High-dimensional data
- Probabilistic matrix factorization
- Genomics
- Single-cell
- RNA-seq